I promised a Saedi update when I heard back from the doc, but to be honest I haven't felt up to blogging about it. The good news is that Saedi's recent blood work and cystic fibrosis results all came back normal. Hooray! The bad news is that when the doc called me with the results he wanted to schedule an endoscopic exam in pursuit of getting to the bottom of her minimal weight gain. I verified with the doctor that he had medical reason to believe the exam is necessary and not just because I have crazy mother's intuition. He verified that yes, he saw enough abnormal evidence to want to pursue this and he assured me that their hospital does this procedure 1,000 times a year. From what I understand, this exam is the Gold Standard- meaning if something is wrong with Saedi this test will find it. Because she's under two, allergies, Celiac Disease, etc may come back "normal" in the blood but if present will show in an endoscopy exam. So, all that said, on Tuesday we'll take Saedi back to Vanderbilt where she'll undergo a half-hour upper endoscopy. They'll put her to sleep, go in her mouth and down to her gut where they'll take a sample. They're also going to go up her bottom a bit to check for any abnormalities on that end as well. She'll be asleep and won't feel any pain and we'll be with her (hopefully) when she wakes.
Mostly I'm thankful that a wonderful, reputable hospital is doing the procedure and our family is extremely blessed to be seen at such a place. I have complete trust in God that Saedi is in His hands. After all, He's the one who created her and knit her together in my womb. How much more does He love her? I'm also thankful that Riley has been granted the day off work so we can go together as a family to comfort each other. Yet, knowing all those blessings in my head and in my heart don't leave me with complete comfort. I'm apprehensive about little Saed-Saed going away with several doctors where she'll be put under. And what am I hoping for? I'm not even sure. God, make me humble. She's my littlest. My baby. A Momma's girl. And I still tear up thinking about it.