Sunday, July 17, 2011


We found our nice camera! We had it stashed away in the back of Riley's bedroom closet, but now that we've got a working camera & charger I'm back in business & will have to post pics of our house & all my fun projects. In the meantime, here are some pics of our day today...
These are 4 of the 1250 new cadet candidates who arrived 3 weeks ago for their summer training called Beast. Once they make it through those awful 6 weeks they officially become cadets and their academic year as a plebe begins. These guys have had no internet access, phone access, and have been drilled and harassed constantly for the past 3 weeks (even 10 years later Riley remembers that well). Today is what they call the Ice Cream Social, where the cadets are allowed to go to a host home on post for the afternoon to relax, eat, sleep, talk, call home using our phones, & get on the internet, etc. The four cadets who came over were so young -it's hard for me to believe Riley and I were this young when we met! The young men were extremely grateful for the food, especially the raw cookie dough & the ice cream sundae bar Ellie & Saedi set up. These guys were a pleasure to have in our home! I took some pictures of them to send to their mothers & I've already received two emails letting me know how nice it was to hear their son's voice & to see close up pictures of them.



Natalie said...

OH thats hilarious!!! cant wait to hear more about it from Saedi and Ellie, I bet they had a blast asking them questions.

mjs said...

Your dining room looks great! Reminds me of your place in Clarksville. Are the glasses standard uniform during Beast?

Nathan said...

Wow they do look young. What's up with the glasses?