Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Heart

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

Today, Riley and I celebrate our 9th anniversary! I feel so blessed to be as crazy about Riley as 9 years ago. I would say our life feels harder, but much more fulfilling at the same time. He instills a confidence in me that no one else has had the power to do. I'm grateful for my best friend, soul-mate, and Love.

As far as our adoption goes, we received an update that as of this morning... there is one man refusing to give further info unless he's contacted directly by the Embassy through MOWCY

So frustrating that this Planning Expert's heart is hardened! Everything within us wants to be angry that one man is stopping Solomon from coming home. But, we know the greater truth. God is over all man. God softened the heart of Pharaoh and we will pray for this man's heart as well. God softened my heart 24 years ago when I realized I needed a relationship with God. Pray with us for this Ethiopian man that his heart would soften and he would give the needed information. Pray for the country director that is working on Solomon's behalf- that God would give him grace & patience as he is trying to work with the planning expert


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